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Buzz Builder turned all-around rockstar at Likeable Media, a social media agency in NYC. Looking to make the world a more Likeable place through Social Media!


7 Reasons to Embrace the Awesomeness of Social Media

1. You can connect with the entire world.
Just a few months ago, Facebook reached 500 million users. That means that there are 499,999,999 other people out there for you to meet via the Internet. Pretty incredible if you ask me. And the fact that you can interact with these people from the comfort of your own home is even more fascinating. You could be the laziest person on Earth, but social media makes you one of the most powerful purely because the world is at your fingertips with an Internet connection and a few logins & passwords. Social media is a revolution and more likely than not, you are part of it. Check out this video full of social media facts...some of which might scare you.

2. Consistency!
Social media will always be there for you. And most likely you will always be able to find some way to have social media make you happy as well. You could be angry at all of your friends but then you login to Twitter and you see a happy inspirational tweet from @RevRunWisdom and you feel instantaneously better (hopefully). Social media has taken over the world in full force and it's never going to go away, at least not anytime soon (see YouTube video from point #1).

3. Acts as a news source.
Don't have a TV nearby? No problem if you have Facebook or Twitter. On most days, I use Twitter as a source for what's going on in the world just by looking at the trending topics. Of course they're not always accurate...but at least I know what the big gossip topics of the day are. A lot of times, Twitter trends might not even make any sense to you. Use whatthetrend.com to figure out what all those confusing hashtags might mean. Even Facebook statuses are useful to get your news from. Most times, if a big event is going on in your area or in the world, your friends will update their Facebook statuses to reflect this.

4. Reach your consumers and give us free stuff.
"Like this status and be entered to get a free coffee." "RT this and get 10% off your next purchase of shoes." "Check-in here and get free chips!" From an advertising/PR and marketing point of view, it should be pretty clear for brands and companies that social media is where it's at for most of their consumers nowadays.  FourSquare is really revolutionizing this idea with its check-ins. (If you don't have FourSquare on your smartphone, get it. You will not be disappointed. Maybe this blog post on awesome check-in benefits will intrigue you.) Social media also provides a simple way to get a message out to not just pre-existing consumers, but the entire world. Brands are really catching on to the whole "give free things away and offer great deals" portion of social media and we, the consumers, are doing nothing but benefitting from it.

5. Celebrity stalking without even trying.
Hey. We didn't ask celebrities to share every little thing about their lives on Twitter, some of them just chose to. Are we complaining? Well, some of us are. But the majority of the population loves the fact that they can know what @LadyGaga ate for breakfast and what @OGochocinco is doing on the sidelines of a Bengals game. However, celebrities getting involved with social media (mainly Twitter) can be really toxic for their image...just ask @JohnCMayer. Nonetheless the celebrities will keep tweeting and you can find most of your favorites at celebritytweet.com (your #1 source to stalking celebrities via Twitter).

6. The ULTIMATE word of mouth.
With the simple update of a Facebook status or a tweet on Twitter, your friends and followers will know what's up with you. Need someone to go out with on a Friday night? Status update and tweet. Want people to read your new blog post? (What I'll be doing in a few minutes...) Status update and tweet. You can get any information out to your friends in just a matter of seconds. Fundraising for a charity? Running in a contest? Friends of mine have created Twitter pages just for specific fundraising or contest purposes and gained hundreds of followers to support them. If you have a cause or contest that you need supported, turn to social media, the best word of mouth around...it's the easiest way to get yourself recognized! Speaking of word of mouth, did you know that awards are given out for effective word of mouth marketing? Well, they're called the WOMMY Awards and this year a new category has been added for no other than...social media.

7. GET DISCOVERED through networking!
You never know where that dorky kid from middle school is now. He could be the connection to your next great job. Social media gives you the ability to find this kid on Facebook or LinkedIn just by entering what school you went to or what town you lived in. By creating a solid social media network, you can connect with people who can give you your next big break in the world. You could land a job with a tweet. The MTV TJ search is a perfect example. Contestants had to gain the most votes by promoting themselves through Twitter in order to become MTV's first ever Twitter-Jockey (TJ). With social media the possibilities and opportunities are endless. If you make a good name for yourself on the Internet, you never know where it might get you! 

@SocialMedia #FTW!


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